About Me

     I am a wife and mother of two young girls.  I was raised as a Catholic, but have become an atheist as an adult (see my whole story under the Testimony tab).  In addition to being a mother, I teach college-prep English and reading at the local community college and I love it.  I am passionate about whatever I do, and that extends to my belief system.  I'm a very active person who loves the outdoors, and I have many hobbies that reflect that. 
    I’m starting this blog because I love to write and I want to create an honest, open forum where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can respectfully and intelligently discuss ideas. I want to explore ways that atheists can build community and improve our public image.  I want to discuss my own challenges as a parent of two young girls.  I want to share my journey of “coming out” to those who have known me as a believer, and to my family members who persist in their beliefs and therefore might be confused or even hurt by my choice to reject all forms of religion and belief in a higher power.  I want to build a community of people willing to ask questions and truly look for answers.  Overall, I want to be a model of someone who leads a good life without god as a motivator.  

Wherever this blog goes, please note that I started with good intentions.