Thursday, October 6, 2011

A few pressing issues before I get to Reason #4

First of all, Sarah Palin has decided NOT to run for president.  Phew!  I would really have to consider relocating to a new country if she was every put in charge of this one.  Check out this humorous (but scary) prediction for a country under her control.  In this article from BBC News, she is quoted as writing in a letter to her supporters, "After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States."  I find it interesting that her version of god doesn't encourage her to run for president, but somehow guided her and her child into reality television.  Hmmm...I'm guessing tv shows pay quite a bit more than presidency.

Secondly, I was a bit disappointed at my place of work today.  I work for a community college teaching college-prep reading and writing.  On one of the bulletin boards in the hallway, I saw a poster for a talk titled "Darwin or Design: A Viable Alternative."  The talk is being given by a zoologist who plans to show evidence for Intelligent Design.  This alone bothers me because it isn't a viable option--at least not scientifically.  It's a PC version of creationism.  But I guess what bothered me the most was the fine print: "Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ"--no surprise there--"Funded by student fees."  Doesn't this seem fishy?  (pun, anyone?)  To me, it seems wrong because it's clearly a religiously-charged topic being funded with student fees and not all students are religious.  But I'm a critical thinker and I tend to challenge my own stance on issues.  I think I do this to solidify my real opinion.  Anyway, I checked out the club list and there are clubs for women, Latin American students, parents, etc.  So is this just another club that everyone isn't going to join, but has every right to exist and sponsor discussions (with the help of student fees) that are clearly biased?  Or does the religious factor change things?  Please comment.  I'm a bit at a loss and I don't want to let my own belief system keep me from being objective in this situation.  I might try to go to the talk if I can find someone to watch my kiddos.  Call it morbid curiosity...

Finally, here is an addendum to my previous post: Logical Reason #3.  This article talks about the possibility that Earth's water initially came from cometary impacts.  The god of the gaps just got a little smaller.

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